Buying Your First Helicopter?
Now that you've decided to buy a helicopter, it's time to find a one that works for you. But that decision is heavily dependent on the intended purpos
History of Helicopters
A helicopter is a type of aircraft that is hugely versatile and is used in numerous situations from military helicopters, to fire fighting helicopters, and even corporate or personally owned private helicopters. Their versatility is different from an aeroplane as…
Can Anyone Buy a Helicopter?
In most countries, the only thing standing between you and owning a helicopter is the money. But you'll need a pilot or a pilot license to use it. So
Types of Helicopter
There are many ways you can categorise helicopters, as there is an infinite number of types. However, most helicopters fall into one of four categories, when sorted by their rotor configuration. The rotor system gives the helicopter its aerodynamic lift,…
Is Flying a Helicopter Hard?
A common myth about helicopters is they are really tough to fly. But the truth is, anybody with enough body coordination to drive a car, can probably
Should You Buy or Rent a Luxury Helicopter?
The freedom, convenience, and class that comes with private helicopters are truly unmatched. And owning one is the ultimate move to stepping up your g
What Exactly Is a Luxury Helicopter?
When you already own a considerable chunk of real estate, drive several super cars and have a private Island, things can get quite dull. But not if yo
Aviation Tips: How to Land a Helicopter on a Yacht
For the wealthier folks who own yachts, there are often helicopter landing pads right on board. This is reliable and convenient to meet business deadlines and for medical emergencies. Not long ago, landing a helicopter on a yacht was a…
Safety Tips for Helicopter Pilots
Helicopter pilots and passengers both have a responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others when flying. Although some of the duties may differ, both sets of responsibility are equally important. Pilots and passengers should always practice helicopter…
6 Advantages of Owning a Private Helicopter
Helicopters are undoubtedly luxury items, and the closest most people will get to one, is through watching them on Youtube. But if you intend to be pa